Unleash the powerful human truth of selling in The Me Agenda

The perfect accompaniment to 4twenty2’s programmes.

We’ve been unlocking people’s ability to find growth for quite some time now. Long enough to write a taskbook to support our methods.

It’s designed to be a working text so grab a pen and notebook to scribble your thoughts down and areas for you to adapt the coaching to your exact needs and create your own scripts. It becomes your sales bible. 

The Me Agenda | David Armes David Das | www.themeagenda.com.jpg
The Me Agenda | Book Inner | www.themeagenda.com.jpg

When I left my last company, The Me Agenda was the first thing I grabbed off my desk. I check it every day before any new calls or important emails. It gives me the structure to calmly but assuredly sell to existing and new clients.

- Commercial Director, KANTAR -